Course project instructions
It's been an awesome 8 weeks and now we are going to put together everything we have learned. For the course project, you will join us in the comments as we all work together to create a class weather report.
Part 1: You will watch a local newscast and study what the meteorologist does and says at the end of each week.
Part 2: At the end of week 7, you will write or voice record a script of what you would say in a weather report and submit it in the comments. You can choose to report about any season, any condition, and in any region of the world.
Here are some basic criteria your weather report script must have (you may get help writing the script, but make sure it reflects your original ideas):
- It must use at least 4 vocabulary words from week 1 - 7
- It must report on the current weather (real or make-believe)
- It must predict the weather for the rest of the day and overnight
- It must predict what the weather may be like the next 3 days
- It must state the air temperature, humidity, barometer pressure, and cloud coverage
Part 3: Using your smartphone, tablet, webcam, or digital camera, have someone shoot a video of you giving your weather report while standing in front of a green or blue background. Your completed weather report video will be uploaded in this section as a new lecture with graphics just like the meteorologists do (or submitted privately to you as a youtube video).
Part 4: Post supportive comments on the completed videos of classmates and tell us what you liked best about this unit study.